Wednesday 19 December 2012


Clam Chowder
A must order kat TGIF by BFF and me. Cicah dgn garlic bread.....mmm sedap!

Chicken Fajita Nachos
Kalau tak nak makan berat, especially masa petang2, we like to order something light macam nachos ni. Makan sambil borak2.

Crispy Cheesecake
Dessert ni menu baru di TGIF (Nov 2012). Delicious...we like it. Kat luar crispy & kat dalamnya cheesecake yang best!

Kami jarang order menu berat2. Kalau order pun something like roasted chicken or spaghetti. Itu pun kena makan share sebab the portion is big. Lagi best order the entrees (beberapa jenis). The carbonated drinks is bottomless.

The price is acceptable la. For the taste and quantity kan. 

Moralnyer - lambatnya nak sampai Friday!!!!

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