Monday 8 April 2013

The Hague, Netherlands - once upon a time

View from hotel room on the arrival snow yet

Exlporing the city on the first day (semangat..tak jet lag pun hehe)

It finally snowing after a few days (while waiting for our cab, sempat lagi ambik gambar)

I was in The Hague in December 2010. Attending course (sent by my previous employer). It was the first time I've been there. Experiencing the end it was a very heavy winter season that made me and my friends stranded. We were planning to go Belgium, then Paris. We've only managed to reached Belgium. We have to skip Paris or any other countries in Europe as all the train station and airport were nearly stranded.

The Hague is a small city. But due to time and weather constraint at that time, we can't explore much. I made a promise that I will come back (but during a different season of course hehe). Winter is not for me. Its so cold and the road is slippery. Everyday, I saw someone falling while walking even the mat least you won't be ashamed if you are the unlucky one ;)

Most of the time, we walked. Only when going to our HQ office, we took either taxi or the tram. Most of local people, will just cycle or walk.

Bike Parking

Our hotel is located at the center of The Hague. It was a good location. Everything is just around the corner. The tourist attraction, the shops and the food. Halal food is easy to find. But only middle eastern food i.e. kebab, nari beriyani etc. We are grateful for that. We also brought some instant food from Malaysia i.e. Maggi.

Most of the shops only open until 6.00 p.m. This is so boring. After our class finished, we only have about two hours to go shopping and window shopping.

This is more of me going down to the memory lane instead of sharing any travelling info about The Hague. It's been quite some time already. Therefore, I forgot most of the details. If one fine day, I go back to The Hague, I will need to study about it again :) 

May I will be able to there again in the near future...inshaallah...amin!