Wednesday 14 November 2012

Salam Maal Hijrah 1434

Assalamualaikum w.w.

Selamat menyambut Maal Hijrah 1434. Semoga ditahun baru ini, kita dapat berhijrah untuk menjadi muslim sejati.

May Allah bless us all...amin!

Lunch with bff

Had lunch with one of my bff kat T-Break at Menara Manulife, Damansara Heights (near my bff's office lor). Above - Roasted Chicken with mash potato & salad. Set consist of this and ice lemon tea (RM10.90++). Sedap! I love the chicken, the potato and the salad (semua la tu). Even the ice lemon tea pun sedap. 

Scone with butter and strawberry jam. One set ada 2 scone. Harga dah lupa pulak. Rasa - ok la...

I like the atmosphere at T-Break. Not too crowded. People enjoying their lunch and lepaking with frens. Will come again to try other my bff said - "semua pun sedap!" Of coz i trust her, she tried & tested most of the menu :)

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Simple pleasure

Oh i love dessert...bread butter pudding, carrot cake, pavlova etc

But i also love the biscuit in the above photo...biskut kering kapit dengan butter - enak dimakan begitu saja, apalagi kalau cecah dalam air milo o panas...mabeles :)

Moral of the story - makan biskut je, pun sodap!

Monday 5 November 2012

First time!

At last, my own blog - yeay! Dream became a reality? some it's just setting up a blog...big deal. But for me, it is a big deal :)

Of course, I have to thanks my 2nd daughter (Syarifah Balqis@Angah) for helping me with the setting up, layout and God knows what hehe...

This blog is for me to share my love for travel, food and of course - Life. 

I have big dreams - to travel around the world, to taste the best food and live life to the fullest....insyallah.

Hope I will achieve those dreams...amin!!